Saturday, July 20, 2024

About the local cop who saw the assassin from the edge of the roof,

according to the local cops he wasn't on a ladder, another guy boosted him up, and when the killer pointed the rifle and he ducked he lost his grip on the edge and fell.  Which is entirely possible.

As been said again and again: we don't know how much of what we've been told or will be told is the truth, and nobody trusts the EffingBI to tell us the facts.  Which is making this even more of a mess.

Speaking of mess, a bunch of the left is up in arms because some people on the right are doing what the left has done to people for years: in the left it's "They didn't use pronouns/the right pronouns/say the phrase/say the phrase correctly/genuflect to our beliefs, so they should be ruined!", from these people on the right it's been show someone- especially a teacher, for instance- celebrating a 'dead Trump supporter' and calling for another try to kill Trump and saying "Make them famous!"  The left REALLY hates this.  And their excuse that "This is just a poor grandma/small business owner/whatever!" holds no water when they've tried to ruin KIDS for, in the most famous case, wearing team colors on his face and a headdress to cheer on the team: "He's a racist!  Why does the team tolerate this racism in the stadium!"  Having their own bullshit turned on them is just intolerable.

There's a lot of argument as to whether it's right to do this to people.  You'll  have to decide what you think about that.  One author over on Fecesbook had an answer in his case: "They attacked and threatened my children because I wouldn't kneel, so they can burn."  After what some of the bastards have done, there's a lot of that running around, and I can't blame them.


Matthew W said...

I 100 % agree with that person on Fecesbook.
"Rules for Radicals"
Make them live by their own rules.......................

Mee Too stopped when Democrats found out 99% of the people getting whacked were Democrats.............
This too shall pass when THEY figure that out

Anonymous said...

“There's a lot of argument as to whether it's right to do this to people.”
There’s “right” and then there’s Karma.
As far as I’m concerned, they forfeited their “rights” (and concerns for civility) when they turned the dogs loose.
Now that the dogs are ripping *their* legs apart, they yell, “Call them off!!”
Fuck off libs…here’s some hamburger to rub on your crotch! 😂