Friday, June 21, 2024

Well, here's a collection

A whole lot of people joining Lawdog's "I Hate Monkeys" club.

'Community feasts on crocodile that ate family pets'

'Not Satire: Study Links Climate Change to a Politician’s Decline in ‘Speech Complexity and Productivity’
Yes, they're apparently working to give Biden another out on his recent behavior


rickn8or said...

Re: Climate change: So why aren't the rest of us turning stupid?

Anonymous said...

Re: monkeys - “a plan was hatched to put cages in high-impact areas and catch them to then relocate them to Thenmala forest, but it faced pushback from animal advocates, with some saying the only viable solution was to cut off the animal’s food supply.”
I don’t know if this is terrible writing or if the animal advocates are actually saying starving them is preferable to relocating them to where their food is.