Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Remember, that video may not show the whole story

“They were marching, they had a flag, and Jonathan simply said something along the lines of, ‘you guys are on the wrong side,'” the source told The Post. 

 “From there about four people from the group came up to him, they circled him and threw red liquid on him,” the source claimed. “He tried to back away, but he was either chest-bumped or fell to the ground, smashing his knee and slicing his leg.” 

 The source claimed that he got up and used only the amount of force that was necessary “to get out of there,” noting that Kaye has no history of violence and no criminal record. “He sort of did what his body told him to do in the moment to get out of there.” 

But it's 'Pride' month, and it was a group with Queers for Palestine, so he's a horrible guy.

As a finale,
 Law enforcement sources told The Post that EMS workers attempted to render aid to the woman knocked to the ground, not knowing she had been punched, but their efforts were thwarted when the group of her friends grew hostile, swooped in and took her away. Cops have been unable to make contact with her since, according to the sources."
Why, it's like they didn't want the injuries investigated for some reason.
Here's the NY Post article:
And here's at Gun Free Zone where I found it:

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