Monday, June 10, 2024

In a place with all the approved gun bans and restrictions, and this is just

a slightly busy weekend.

Of course, the ban & restrict people like to blame it all on 'lax gun laws in surrounding states', yet those states don't have anywhere near the problems Chicago has.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It must be the people, mustn't it?

A Texan said...

Nothing makes me happier when one dumb-versity offs another or each other. This saves the taxpayers millions of dollars in medical and incarceration cost.

Funny that none of the retarded 'gun violence' people will never petition the cowardly ATF and FBI to go into these inner city ghettos and round up the suspects with weapons violations or causing problems. No, it's easier to harass 'White militias' than tackle the real problem and being called racist.

Of course, Dumbtavious would not think twice about putting a bullet into an armed LEO.

Anonymous said...

As the great Walter Williams once asked, how do those guns know to not start killing until they get to Chicago?