Monday, March 04, 2024

The experts, the conniving doctors trying to hide their part in it,

doom-predicting clowns like Ferguson at King's College, and the media clowns who started their suckup with telling us that calling it 'this Chinese virus' or 'Wuhan virus' was racist, and lectured that anyone not toeing the line wanted everyone to die, and the politicians who used it for power and control...
Throw in Collins and Fauci and that bastard with Ecohealth Alliance who helped funnel money to the Wuhan lab.
What lessons can we learn from this belated admission that the entire clusterkluge was a "mistake"? How to compensate for those who watched their loved ones die from behind a plate-glass window in Mengele Memorial Hospital? For those who -- like a dear friend and mentor of mine -- died from a second shot of the "vaccine" in the early days of the panic? For the families disrupted, restaurants closed, businesses destroyed, industries wrecked -- and all with the witting complicity of the mainstream media, which so enthusiastically hosanna-ed the official narrative, despite the evidence of their own senses?
Fauci and Collins ought to lose their pensions, at the least.  A bunch of politicians and 'public health' people the same, with the politicians in particular getting a flogging first.

Why flogging for them?  Because the only real punishment they'll ever receive for what they've done would be people dragging them out and doing that, because the .gov and Professional Journalists, for the most part, won't do a damn thing except cover for them.  And since none of said Journalists involved will face the hanging they deserve...

Yeah, I'm in a bad mood.


Anonymous said...

“Yeah, I'm in a bad mood.”
Isn’t anything different than the rest of us are in.
This complete BS story they try spin now is as transparent as cellophane.
These days with ALL doctors, verify *then* trust…but still keep a watchful eye.

Anonymous said...

Be angry,

Anonymous said...

Oops, fatfingered my previous. Meant to say: "Be angry, and sin not"

0007 said...

Flogging's too good for them. Make them take all the boosters and give them the real McCoy this time.