Monday, March 04, 2024

Have you noticed that the 'punch a nazi' assholes ARE the nazis?

And that includes the campus authorities who seem to approve of the national socialists and Jew haters.
University of California, Berkeley, administrators have offered no apology to Israeli lawyer Ran Bar-Yoshafat, whose speech to a campus Jewish group was abruptly canceled by the university after violent protesters choked a female student attendee, spit in another attendee's face, and broke into the auditorium where Bar-Yoshafat waited onstage.

"I've had no apology," Bar-Yoshafat told the Washington Free Beacon. "No one from Berkeley has contacted me since, or tried to contact me, even."

Of course not: an apology would indicate they see what happened as a problem.


Highlander said...

Always remember the what ever the liberal/leftist/commie accuses you of doing or being is what they are actually doing or being. Its a fact!

Rob said...

If you meant it you don't need to apologize for it. Just saying....

Anonymous said...

A Jewish friend I grew up with is professor at a university. He is (was?) a proud Socialist. I kept pointing out that he was adopting the same views as the National Socialist German Workers Party. I wonder how he feels about his Socialist friends now saying "from the river to the sea" which effectively means "kill the Jews." I'm sure he has an excuse for them. I doubt he's intellectually honest enough to realize he should change his position.