Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ah, Hollywood: you learn who the nazis are, and

how badly they hate having it pointed out.

I said before, I don't pretend the Israelis are angels without flaw.  I also don't pretend that a lot of the muslim world are anything but quite happy with evil.  And we're seeing a lot of muslims in what's losing the description of the 'civilized world' being very open about it, and lots of leftist assholes loudly supporting this.

Throw in a lot of Jews in the US and Britain and Europe who've been very reliably left in their voting suddenly having it beating them over the head that lots of their leftist 'friends' are quite happy to join in chants of 'Hitler was right!' and various calls for genocide.  They're not happy.  And I'm wondering how it took this long for them to realize what the leftists think of them.  Used to be screaming 'racism', etc., justified all by the left, now it's "COLONIZERS!"  With 'decolonization' meaning "Let's kill all the bad people!"  'Bad people' including not just anyone not a communist, but Jews in particular.  Somehow, lots of Jewish people managed to convince themselves for decades that what was being said about killing them 'is just a slogan, they don't really mean it', and so forth.  

Mostly, I wish the rest of the world would leave us the hell alone, and us do the same with them.  Trade, tourism and such, sure; otherwise "No, we're not going to send troops to help this group out", etc.  But we can't do that because they will not EVER leave us alone as long as we don't bow down to their ideals, which hate freedom.  That means we do need allies, and Israel has been a pretty good one(if you're about to start yelling, see 'not angels' above).

Plus, when a bunch of people are openly trying to wipe out an entire group of people because "They're not even really human!" and such, it pisses me off.  No, not send troops and ships to take part(except in evacuations, which may be necessary in some places*), but to assist who, for practical purposes, is the good guys.  

I'm tired, and this might not be the most clear, but it's how I'm sitting right now.

*That should include "If you fuck with our guys while they're working, they have weapons free to kill you."


Mind your own business said...

I endorse this commentary.

I might remind everyone that neither are we "angels without flaws" and have historically done hard things when our existence was threatened.

Terrytheterrible said...

I would hope normal people would feel the same Fh. In my opinion it comes down to parental teaching morals and good vs no morals and evil. May God bless us.