Wednesday, August 03, 2022

One of the 'annoying' to 'pisses me off' things about the knee surgery:

I did everything I could, from the exercises learned in PT to the stuff on the list from the hospital/surgeon, pushing it about as much as I could, and what'd I get?  "You're right where you should be at this point in recovery."  So all the extra did was make sure I was in that zone.

Dammit, I'd hoped to get it back in shape a bit faster with all the extra work, but nooo...

And I  now have to walk instead of the bicycle to exercise it, because some thieving piece of shit stole my bicycle.  Probably one of the 'homeless' that roam through occasionally.  And I really don't want to spend the money for a decent one right now to replace it(there needs to be a "You have the wrong DNA, the seat will now blow up under you" security device).


Anonymous said...

Feel your pain. I had a bike stolen when I was stationed in Norfolk, right on base by some thieving squid.

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the bike.
I know it sucks being told that “you’re right where you should be” but look past the med-speak.
What they’re really saying is “your extra work is paying off” by putting you ahead of those who wimped out.
Range of motion work lasts!!
Hang in there pal.
K in AZ

pigpen51 said...

My wife had knee replacement last year in September. It took awhile, and she worked hard at her PT. But now, she is doing very well, her knee did seem to take forever to feel really good. But now it is almost like new. Her other knee is bad, also.
She lost 245 pounds about 15 years ago, due to gastric bypass. She has not gained any weight back, she is below 200 pounds now. But carrying so much weight wore her knee joints out. But the surgery saved her life. So we are grateful for that. But it is not for everyone. You have to be committed, or it won't last, and you will gain the weight right back. I am so very proud of her.

Firehand said...

Sounds like you should be, she damn well earned it