Friday, May 27, 2022

Let's see, an administration that wants to destroy the oil & gas industry,

now that it's biting them in the ass, wants some refineries restarted.  
"Just ignore the fact that we're only going to take our foot partly off your neck, and put full weight back on once the yelling quiets down, would you do this for us?"
Oh yeah, that's going to work.

Note that this article is pushing 'The Russian invasion pushed futures up' crap, ignoring what all the Biden clowns had done before.


Midwest Chick said...

They figure it worked for baby formula (hey we at the FDA will get off our asses and let you start production again) so in their minds it will work for oil. But they will never restart the Keystone Pipeline.

Anonymous said...

Well its not like we need that Canadian oil that’s already being (expensively) trucked to us now. /sarc
This admin is being run by Bernie & the Squadtwits. Commies destroy democracies. That’s a feature not a bug.