Thursday, February 17, 2022

Headline on Yahoo 'News':

Severe storm system will bear its teeth, etc.
After some of Kim's yelling about the proper word and why do these news weenies not know them?, I could hear "It's 'BARE its teeth', you illiterate yob!"

He's right.  It may be a losing battle, but he is.


Beans said...

Unless the storm is carrying its teeth, then, yes, the Engrish is correct.

If the storm is snarling like a bear, then it bares the teeth.

But, being the eneMedia, you have to go with it was a screwup.

Sigh. My high-school journalism teacher would be having a forehead-vein throbbing and possibly popping moment over this.

Dan said...

A century ago Latin and Greek were standard classes in High School. Now every University in America has to offer classes in remedial English. It shows.

Mike-SMO said...

You have to make some allowances because they hire the illiterate in order to provide equity. You are just all stuck with White spelling and grammar. Racist!

taminator013 said...

I know that I shouldn't sweat the little things, but it really frosts my weenie when our local newscasters substitute the word busted for burst or broken. It's not only on one station, either. I wasn't aware that pipes, water mains and windows could be arrested or grow breasts....

rickn8or said...

taminator013, "pleaded" lights my fuse. I know it's "approved" but what was wrong with "pled"?