Thursday, October 07, 2021

In the latest from the craphole knowns as Chicago,

Modern day gangsters in Chicago have graduated from carjackings and drive-by shootings to something new and exciting: the rolling gun battle. In scenes that look like fifth-grade productions of Hollywood shoot-em-up scenes, carloads of gang bangers and thugs are shooting it out, even in upscale neighborhoods including the city’s famous Magnificent Mile.

At the same time, Cook County’s Soros-funded prosecutor Kim Foxx doesn’t bother to charge groups of gang members who shoot it out in the city, even when cops catch them in the act. Even when one of the participants winds up dead and two more were wounded during the “mutual combat.”

Their dirtbag Mayor will keep blaming other states for not having the Bloomberg & Watts- approved gun laws, but she's toned down somewhat on blaming the cops equally; apparently it finally sunk in that, though Chicago PD has lots of problems, not having CPD around is worse.

If you're wondering what this 'mutual combat' crap is, here y'go.

I have doubts Chicago is fixable.  Between the "It doesn't matter what kind of slimeball they are, they're a Democrat so vote for one of the slimeballs for Mayor" attitude, the connections between just about ALL the politicians and the gangs and so forth, quite likely a lost cause.  Now, if you started by hanging the Mayor, the Aldermen, and all the gang heads you might have a chance...

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