Saturday, December 28, 2013

So it'll only take 190 years to pay of the bird choppers

that were idiotic to build in the first place.  Great planning there, guys.
“Wind energy is an experiment, and sometimes the lessons learnt are hard and dearly bought,” Dr. John Constable, director at the Renewable Energy Foundation, told the Telegraph. “The truth is that foolishly ambitious targets and silly levels of subsidy have overheated the wind industry, resulting in defective technologies and poor installations.”
Yep.  If this crap is going to actually work, it won't need subsidies.  If it needs them, don't do it.

The real winners:
However, this isn’t even the longest payback period a UK town has ever had to face on a turbine. One Welsh turbine was sited in such a calm area that it only generates about $8 worth of electricity every month — a 452-year payback period.

Obama/care gets another needed kick in the ass.

Some more on the wonders of the NHS.

Yeah, that's some disappearing ice there, Butch:
It is summer in the southern hemisphere and yet there is still signifiicantly above normal amounts of sea ice present as the passengers and crew of one tour ship discovered. The icebreakers Xue Long and Aurora Australis, and a French research vessel Astrolabe are cruising towards the Akademik Shokalskiy at full throttle for rescue. Photos and maps follow.

“My pal  [2nd century Roman emperor] Marcus Aurelius said, ‘Why would you want the good will of posterity? Do you think those people are going to be any less stupid than the ones who you knew in your own lifetime?’”

He was paraphrasing, of course, but that wasn’t all Marcus Aurelius had to say.
“I had a dream last night…” Mamet began, describing another unconscious encounter with the late Roman statesman, who visited the playwright in Santa Monica to give him some advice. So what did Aurelius tell him?
“Stop bitching about life.”

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