Saturday, November 16, 2013

Well, the Oprah has done it

So Oprah Winfrey is running around the world playing the race card. Thanks to George for sending this to me.
Oprah Winfrey is going around the world telling everyone that Americans are racist while she promotes her new film:
Video at the link.
When in doubt, play the race card.
Oprah Winfrey has been a prominent supporter of Barack Obama. She thinks that both he and the Office of President have been treated with contempt because of the colour of his skin.
Part of Denny's take:
Yannow who’s racist Oprah? Your hero, Obutthead, who makes everything about race from the Gates kerfuffle to the St. Trayvon of Skittles circus. He promised to be the post racial president, but he never passes up an opportunity to play the race card. He has managed to set racial relations in this country back thirty years.

Wonderful people aren't they?
“We’re not in it to stockpile. We’re in it to take what you have and there’s nothing you can do to stop us,” Tyler Smith says. “We are your worst nightmare, and we are coming.”

Most preppers, Smith says, are concerned with marauders taking their supplies. It’s not an unfounded fear, he says.
“We are those people,” he says. “We’ll kick your door in and take your supplies. … We are the marauders.
He's an Obama fan.  Who just told everyone around to be prepared to shoot him in case of disaster....
Just found more on this from Thirdpower.

Speaking of disaster,
"How could this be going so spectacularly wrong?" goes the hand-wringing lament.
How could it not? Seriously! You think a bunch of people can sit down and... Lux Fiat! the rules for how 15% of the economy works in one fell swoop, in what amounts to a giant bong-fueled bull session, and have nothing go wrong? You might as well try to change the spark plugs on your car while the engine's running.

Then again, these are people who think that the efficiency of internal combustion engines or the amount of water it takes to carry off a turd are governed by legislative magic and not the laws of physics.

The naive credulity these people have towards the power of government, their blind faith that they can tamper with the machinery without it hurting anybody, differs in kind nor quality not one lick from the most snake-handlin' Pentecostal's faith that Jesus will keep the serpent from biting.

Fast shooting with a bow.  REAL fast.

A very well-preserved grave.  Those measurements put him at 5'11", and his longsword damn near four feet.  Axe and spear as well, a well-armed traveler.

The Soviets were fond of five-year plans, too; how'd that work out?
The president unveiled his “new national climate action plan” at Georgetown University last June. The plan aims to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 to 17 percent below their 2005 levels. In his speech, the president noted that he had urged Congress to adopt a “bipartisan, market-based solution to climate change.” But he also said he wasn’t going wait for Congress to act, so outlined what amounts to a kind of Climate Five-Year Plan, setting limits on greenhouse gas emissions at home while pursuing efforts abroad to reach “a new global agreement to reduce carbon pollution through concrete action.”
Doesn't help that his idea of 'market-based' is "I will tax you to death to make you buy what I want you to."

An actual intelligent action from the EPA.  Because "People are actually REPORTING on how damaging growing corn for ethanol for fuel is, and how bad the 15% stuff is, and people are screaming, and we can't deal with this on top of everything else, so we're cutting the ethanol mandate!"
Real intelligence would've been completely cutting it, but that would make the corn lobby even more unhappy, so fat chance.

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