Friday, November 15, 2013

Also, if you had any doubts what kind of hypocritical slimeball Bill Mahar is,

put them to rest.

Anymore my response is "You were warned, dumbass."
"Obamacare sucks!  And he lied to us!"

Especially with the way asset forfeiture has become nothing more than theft under color of law, the Professor's idea sounds like a start:
I think we should add corporal punishment for the law enforcement officers and prosecutors in egregious cases like this. Nothing too serious — I’d only add public flogging as punishment where people were physically injured by their misconduct. For mere pecuniary damage, an hour in the stocks for every $10,000 would do.
I'd make it a day at least.  And make the cops and prosecutors personally liable for damages.

More coming out about Benghazi.

Now, WHY wouldn't we trust DHS with a internet kill-switch?

When anti-science rhetoric occurs at a Kansas school-board fight over creationism, we can nod our educated heads in silent amusement, but if multiple generations of nutrition researchers have been trained to ignore contrary evidence, to continue writing and receiving grants, and to keep publishing specious results, the scientific community as a whole has a major credibility issue(I think Globular Warmering has already shown that). Perhaps more importantly, to waste finite health research resources on pseudo-quantitative methods and then attempt to base public health policy on these anecdotal “data” is not only inane, it is willfully fraudulent.

From New Effing York: "Comrades!  Inform on your friends and neighbors!  It is your duty, and you will be paid!"
Earn $500 with Cuomo's SAFE Act; Turn in People with More Than 7 Bullets in Guns 

A toll-free "tip line" has been launched that enables any person with a phone the ability to initiate an investigation on any gun owner. Upon receiving a tip, the State Police will route the information to the appropriate police agency in order to initiate an investigation. The tipster, who can remain completely anonymous, is entitled to a taxpayer-funded reward of $500 if an arrest is made in connection with their tip. The number is 1-855-GUNSNYS (1-855- 486-7697). This bounty on gun owners may be especially lucrative with Cuomo's SAFE Act and the easiest bounty money may be legal gun owners. With the SAFE Act, any gun owner who has more than seven bullets in his gun is guilty of a state crime. For years no such law existed, and many otherwise law abiding gun owners, maybe some of your own family, are not compliant. Turn them in and you can make money and it's a lot safer than turning in dangerous illegal gun owners.


tkdkerry said...

Supposedly Maher goes to the range "twice a year". If that's all he practices, he'll be lucky to grab the right end of the gun in an emergency.

Firehand said...

Yeah, I noticed that. Assuming he's telling the truth, I'd bet at MOST a box each time, too.