Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Democrats and the Obama minions launch another "Snitch on anybody (Updated!)

who doesn't love Obama" site.

Ahem. Attention Attack Watch: Screw you. Yr. Obdnt. Svt., etc.

The response to the site has been less than stellar.

On Twitter, where the Web site has an account to help Obama supporters submit evidence of “attacks” on the president using the hashtag #attackwatch, nearly every tweet about the site has ridiculed it.

“There's a new Twitter account making President Obama look like a creepy, authoritarian nutjob,” an Arizonan tweeted. “In less than 24 hours, Attack Watch has become the biggest campaign joke in modern history,” a contributor to conservative blog The Right Sphere wrote.

[They link that AttackWaaaaatch video here.]


Attack Watch, [as opposed to the less-scary "Fight the Smears" website], used the shorter — and somewhat scaremongering — tag­line, “Get the Truth. Fight the Smears.”

It’s safe to say that in its 24 hours of existence, Attack Watch has already backfired in drumming up support for Obama 2012. This tweet summed it up: “Wow, not only are Obama & Co. incredibly thin-skinned, they're paranoid.”
Ace also notes that there's a couple of reporters pushing a 'Obama is fighting depression' angle; if that's so, this really isn't going to help.

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