Neither one of them thinks much of it:
The work began five years into Obama’s directorship, when the Foundation had experience in turning its millions into anti-gun “grassroots” organizations, but none at converting cash into legal scholarship.
The plan’s objective was bold: the judicial obliteration of the Second Amendment.
Joyce’s directors found a vulnerable point. When judges cannot rely upon past decisions, they sometimes turn to law review articles. Law reviews are impartial and famed for meticulous cite-checking. They are also produced on a shoestring. Authors of articles receive no compensation; editors are law students who work for a tiny stipend. …
The Joyce directorate’s plan almost succeeded. The individual rights view won out in the Heller Supreme Court appeal, but only by 5-4. The four dissenters were persuaded in part by Joyce-funded writings, down to relying on an article which misled them on critical historical documents.
Having lost that fight, Obama now claims he always held the individual rights view of the Second Amendment, and that he “respects the constitutional rights of Americans to bear arms.” But as a Joyce director, Obama was involved in a wealthy foundation’s attempt to manipulate the Supreme Court, buy legal scholarship, and obliterate the individual right to arms.
This has been noted before, but think carefully: he took part in acting to provide false information to judges to influence their decisions. Specifically to trash one of the basic Amendments to the Constitution. And it partially worked; four justices based their decision on deliberately-faked information, and a lot of people are still using their arguments, based on falsity, to try to trash the 2nd, in part if not in whole.
And his nominee to the Court?
I've bloviated in the past about New Yorkers and their majority anti-gun psychosis. Sotomayor is a Metro New Yorker and as such is almost certainly a hoplophobe. Thus, her rulings of the past, as well as in the future will continue an anti-civil rights agenda. In this I have no doubt.
Well, a reading of the preamble to the Bill of Rights makes it pretty obvious that they originally were intended to apply only to the federal government. Heck, even reading the actual amendments where they often include such statements as "Congress shall make no law..." makes it even clearer that they were limitations placed on the federal government, not states.
Then that pesky 14th Amendment came along, which should have prevented any non-federal gun control laws.
Of course, it could be argued that since the Constitution listed some specific rights that states never actually had the authority to impose restrictions on those rights anyway.
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