when some jihadi nutcase(hereafter JNC) attempts/begins a serious mass-murder attempt in this country and a citizen with a gun(hereafter CWG) wounds/kills him?
Assume the best-case scenario:
Jihadi nutcase prepares to act
CWG spots him, notices something that puts him on guard
JNC pulls out machinegun/envelope of anthrax/bottle of VX/detonator, yells "Allah Akbar!" and
CWG makes draw and shoots JNC in the head/upper COM and puts him down.
Yes, I know, first reaction is "Present medal for marksmanship and good citizenship, then award large cash sum for future ammo purchases". However, have you considered what the mainstream media and every little leftist buttmonkey and islamist apologist group is going to say?
The pile of horseshit that's going to fall on the poor bastard will be amazing to see. He'll become a racist, a bigot, a hater of minorities, if it turns out to be someone with a long and happy record of being a Good Guy who teaches Sunday school he'll become a slavering CHRISTIANIST!!! who hates muslims. And just WHAT was this CIVILIAN doing walking around with a GUN? What kind of society ALLOWS that?!? And just what made this(murderer in waiting/hater/paranoid/bigot/racist/fill in the blank) think he was CAPABLE of making such a decision? Did he call on the deceased to surrender? Did he give him any real chance to surrender?
Don't tell me about the chemical weapon/bomb/etc.; how did he KNOW that the poor oppressed deceased actually intended to use it?!?
And so on.
And take another step. Say he fires and wounds JNC, and JNC tries to reach the weapon/push the button/open the bottle and CWG aims carefully and shoots him through the head. "Why didn't you just run up and disarm him? WHY did you HAVE to kill him? How long have you hated Muslims and wanted to kill them all?" and so forth.
An awful lot of the major media weenies will do everything they can to demonize him. And in part, I think it'll be because they'd feel guilty. Guilty because privately they'll be thinking "God, I'm glad he stopped that terrorist!", and they'll be ashamed of themselves for being glad the enemy was stopped.
Couple of days ago Tim Blair noted a piece of crap written by a Helen Razer about how she reacted to a power outage on a train. She at first thought 'terrorist attack'(gee, I wonder why?) and then:
My first instinct was to claw my way out of the train. The second was to call my partner and bid an emotional farewell a la the passengers on Flight 77. Fortunately, I did neither. Instead, I looked in the fleeting darkness for the aggressor. My myopic mindÂ’s eye found her. IÂ’d registered the presence of a woman who looked to be about 19. She wore a hijab and a backpack.
"You racist shallow bastard,‚” I told myself.
Couple of things here, but the big one to me is:
She thought 'terrorist attack' right off, and thought she was about to die,
She immediately knew who/what to look for as probable threat if it had been an attack,
And she hated herself for recognizing an unpleasant fact.
Which is exactly what would cause an awful lot of garbage to come out of a lot of people. Oh, there'd be all the usual suspects condemning CWG for their usual reasons, but even a bunch of them would be doing it to cover up their relief at CWG killing the JNC. Because they'd know, down in their guts where it counts, that somebody had prevented a horrible act by a means they profess to hate and fear used against someone they consider a virtual 'protected species'. And rather than admit those things, they'll want to hang the CWG for causing them to feel the relief and causing them to recognize that they KNOW who/what the threat is.
And of course the usual suspects will start up with someone like Katie Couric looking concerned and saying something like "While they feel relief at a dangerous incident(doubt very much they'd have the guts/integrity to say 'terrorist attack') being stopped, the (fill in the blank) say that this demonstrates the hazards of untraincitizensens carrying guns." And on from there.
It boils down to the fact that there are a bunch of people out there who will not/can not admit that a plain citizen with arms can be a good thing. Some of them- the really extreme ones- would rather see the incident happen and a bunch of people die than see some unwashed peasant without a uniform and badge stop it by means of arms.
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