Friday, May 06, 2016

I lean toward a laws that says "Any Senator, Representative or President

proposing a law that is a blatant violation of any part or parts of the Bill of Rights shall be suspended from office, with no powers, until their trial and dismissal from office.

Said dismissal shall be permanent, and will disqualify that person as well from ever holding office in either of the other three branches of the Federal government."


Phssthpok said...

To take a page from the pro-gun camp: "We don't need any more gun control laws...we need to enforce the ones we already have !"

Phssthpok said...

Drat...URL linking didn't work. Here:

Firehand said...

I like that.

Billll said...

"We don't need any more gun control laws...we need to repeal the ones we already have !"

There, fixed it.