Wednesday, June 20, 2012

MSNBC: We hire the PC bigots nobody else wants

(that they'll admit to, anyway):
  • “I’d like to point out that we clearly must have been having post-traumatic stress disorder because for about a year after September 11th, there were African-American men walking around the city of New York with N.Y.P.D hats on– that can only be explained as a P.T.S.D. response.”
  • “The other thing that happens in that moment, I don’t want to miss this, is that a new version of what America typically needs emerge, and that is a racial enemy. Americans in part identify who we are, and who deserves what, through our notions of whiteness and of the racial enemies that are the non-whites.
Etc., etc., etc. Any surprise they were willing to fake transcripts, audio and video when they have racists and bigots like this working for them?

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