Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Call this 'Sometimes some people in the military

care more about image and their own ego than anything else.

Master Sergeant John Chapman is a name to honor.  Some others... be disgusted at.  And I include in that group those helping 'protect the image' at the cost of a good man's name.

Note: I'd read about the fight before, and the questions after.  This is adding on top of that.


rickn8or said...

As a retired Senior Chief myself, I must say he actions of Senior Chief Slabinski are truly abhorrent. The actions of others to cover his ass are even more so.
I once entertained thoughts of touring the MOH museum. Not anymore...

Anonymous said...

And the thing is, if slabinski and szymanski had come forward with some sort of apology, a mea culpa (like I screwed up big time, I should've gone back and checked, I don't deserve these awards), then they would still be respected for having integrity to own up to their mistakes and Chapman would have the recognition he deserves.