Monday, September 30, 2024

First question: Has anybody seen or heard from Mayor Pete,

our Transportation Secretary?

Second:  You actually think he's running the .gov?
REPORTER: "Any comment on the strikes in Yemen, Mr. President!?" BIDEN (or whatever's left of him): "I've spoken to both sides. They gotta settle the strike. I'm supporting the collective bargaining effort. I think they'll settle the strike."

Also from the Compassionate and Caring Dear Leader:

REPORTER: Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?

BIDEN: No. We pre planned a significant amount of it, even though they didn’t ask for it yet. Hadn’t asked for yet.

As someone said, give it a few days and Biden and Harris will probably both be there to make sure there are pictures of them Caring, purely because they can't be seen as Not Caring Enough.  And they'll probably get hugely in the way in the process(no, I'm not feeling generous toward them). 

And last: have the leftists started crowing "Oh, now that there's a problem you want the Feds to save you?" yet?

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