Monday, August 19, 2024

On the subject of 'gun violence', I was sent a link

to this.  Interesting reading.  I've just skimmed over it, will give it a full reading when have more time.  Whenever that is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In looking at firearm fatality statistics, also consider that you are 1.8 times more likely to be deliberately killed by a government doctor in Canada than you are by a firearm in the United States.

Population of Canada (2021): 36,991,981
Government assisted suicide (2021): 10,064
Odds of government doctor killing you: 0.02721%

Population of the United States (2021): 331,893,745
Firearm deaths (2021): 48,830
Odds of firearms killing you: 0.01471%

0.02721 / 0.01471 = 1.84976