Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My, how very Stasi of them,

I wonder when people will start conveniently 'accidentally' dying in their cell?


Anonymous said...

seem this advise would make people less willing to go quietly...

JMcMurray said...

UK is off my list for ... anything.
Boycott the UK.
Offend them all you can.
And US out of NATO.
Take care of your dangselves.

Country Boy said...

In other words, we're rewarding prisoners who injure or kill a so called far right detainee.

Anonymous said...

Makes not surrendering a valid alternative. Not sure the ptb thought that through

Anonymous said...

1000% yes

Firehand said...

Probably along the lines of "Refusing to surrender? Actually fighting Us? Inconceivable!"
And when it happens, if it does, it'll be "See how horrible those BadThink people are!"

Anonymous said...

What are they going to fight back with? They've mostly been disarmed.