Saturday, July 27, 2024

Y'know, I started this place with the idea

of writing about blacksmithing, guns, tools, and some general stuff about other matters.

Over time, especially as it became a no-go to do any smithing, that changed: I'd pretty much passed along most, if not all, of what I could about that subject, so that started dropping off.  Guns and tools, you can always find something new(to me at least) to talk about, something new to learn of, so more of those.  But the general stuff... now, that can be almost a bottomless well.

I started writing more about politics because, well, it's important.  Once told someone who asked why I was talking so much about it, "Because I'd rather ignore it, but if I do I won't find out what the bastards are trying to do to us."  'Bastards' including politicians, activists who see controlling us as the way to go, and bureaucrats who want more power.  I'd still rather ignore the bastards.

Then came my 'Screwed by Government' and 'Screwed by Congress' categories, and bad law enforcement categories; those, unfortunately, seem damn near bottomless by themselves.  They also discourage, because sometimes it seems like NOTHING can be done about them.

The 'The Experiment' posts started because I just wanted to see if posting some loveliness would spike the hits on the meter.  They did, but were fun enough I just kept doing them, even when the meter disappeared one day(I never bothered trying to put it back in, so I have no idea what the numbers are anymore).

Now all of it's a habit, and it can eat time.  I really need to stop posting so much(insert "I CAN QUIT ANYTIME I WANT TO!!" here), but the habit is hard to break.


Mick said...

Long time lurker but just wanted to say I appreciate the effort and enjoy your posts.

Terrytheterrible said...

I appreciate your writing although some of it is over my head. Thank you for the habit Fh.

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker as well - but if it bothers you, why not draw some nails? There's always a use for them, and they're great practice.

GunnyFrank said...

I’m a late comer to your blog and enjoy it very much. Always wondered about the name. I would love to read your posts of your esrlier writings. Are they archived?

Firehand said...

I just tried some of the older ones from 2004, and they're still there