Saturday, July 27, 2024

In the category of "Should be flogged before hanging" we have two entries

The first is 
Disturbing allegations are detailed in a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) against a large Texas-based nonprofit organization tasked and funded by the federal government for years with housing unaccompanied minor children (UMC) who are not legally present in the country.
ORR then uses grant funding, usually by hiring nonprofit housing organizations, to provide shelter care for the UMCs in the “least restrictive setting possible” and that “will be in the best interest of the child.”

In this case, one of those nonprofits is Austin-based Southwest Key, which from 2015 to 2023 received $3 billion in federal grant funding and operates 29 facilities in Texas, Arizona, and California, housing 6,350 children.

The DOJ said during this timeline, multiple Southwest Key employees subjected children as young as 5 years of age to “repeated and unwelcome sexual abuse, harassment, misconduct, and hostile housing environments.”

The suit further details allegations that the children were victims of sexual abuse, rape, and inappropriate touching. The perpetrators employed by Southwest Key took advantage of the multiple vulnerabilities to carry out their crimes, such as language barriers.

The DOJ also said that despite Southwest Key knowing their employees were harming the children in their care, they did nothing, violating the federal Fair Housing Act.

If half of this is correct, we have the need for floggings and a gallows.

The second:
Health and Human Services whistleblower Tara Rodas says she faced retaliation from the department after she reported concerns that unaccompanied immigrant children were being placed in the hands of sponsors who were affiliated with the notorious Salvadorian MS-13 gang.

“Interestingly, when I discovered that there was MS-13 actually sponsoring the children…. this began when a DHS whistleblower came forward and then alerted us that MS-13 and 18th Street gangs were getting the children, it only took them less than three weeks if you can imagine, to walk me off the site under threat of investigation,” Rodas said on the Wednesday edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “That’s what happened to me.”

Considering we've had everyone from the EffingBI on down illegally screwing with whistleblowers, that part wouldn't surprise me.  Throw in other crap that's been going on with kids and the borders and gangs for years, that doesn't either.


Avraham said...

hanged, then quartered

B said...

3 BILLION dollars? For 6,350 per year?
Damn, I'm in the wrong business.

Abd those who molested the children should be tied to an anthill

Anonymous said...

I tend to think more towards pounding a road flare in their ass then lighting it.