Sunday, July 17, 2022

What? A watermelon is another lying bastard?

Well, who could've imagined that?

“Nuclear power doesn’t help us there at all,” Habeck said on Tuesday. “We have a heating problem or an industry problem, but not an electricity problem — at least not generally throughout the country.”

Besides, Habeck said, only Russia could provide Germany with the uranium fuel rods required to keep the nuclear plants operating, and there was no way to make sure the plants would be able to operate safely.

But none of what Habeck said was true.

The Greens would rather people freeze in the dark than tell the truth.


robehr orinsky said...

Hillbilly folk don't understand 1st world problems . We just go out in the woods and cut a couple more trees down . Just a simple man . Doin' what I can .

Anonymous said...

Link file not found.

Firehand said...

Huh. Just tried it and it came up

Veritas said...

Western elites exist in the twilight zone. Facts, realty, science do not exist for them. Only some distant utopia seen in some fantasy that is drug fueled.

No wonder Germans are being told they will have to cut down trees if they wish to be warm this winter. Seen all those fireplaces in German apartments? About as common as bathrooms in Lagos.