Wouldn't surprise me if some of his handlers would think that way. Biden's quite capable of that arrogant "We've been patient with you but the time's up, do what you're told!" crap, and so are a lot of the other socialists directing him much of the time. So "Let's tell all those rednecks and stupid Trumpists to get the vaccination or else, and see who actually means it when they tell us to go to hell." In the words of the Bayou man,
If you look at Mr. Biden's pronouncements yesterday from that perspective, they take on a much more sinister, yet much more believable aspect. They're Trojan horses. They aren't there to make us healthier: they're there to smoke out the patriots among us, those who will resist and actively oppose the Biden administration's plans to dominate and control America forever and crush all opposition. The powers that be want to expose all such people, so that they're easier to deal with, and so that they can be removed from any position(s) where they might interfere.
The more I think about it, the more I believe that's the real reason Mr. Biden made that speech yesterday. It's another step - and an important one - on the road to tyranny. If we allow him - and those behind him - to get away with it, we're going to find it that much harder to stop him next time . . . and there will be a next time.
Which means they want to piss people off, that language from Biden & Handlers is tailored for it. More on that here. Note part of his answer to that: relax. Don't blow up, just quietly don't do what the assholes want. Read it, it would really screw with their plans.
I know it's a bitter pill to swallow. I know it's retardation at it's finest. Thing is, it also shows how desperate they're getting. All you have to do is quietly fail to comply. Refuse. Remember the -best- way is to use some of the shit that brought another Socialist Bureaucratic-Oriented DotGov to it's knees. That was Poland.
Yeah... Solidarity and their leader, true Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa. They most definitely don't teach -anything- about the Solidarity Movement is schools here anymore. Nope, that'd be counterproductive to the plan. It ended up being a primarily peaceful overthrow-by-undermining the State via strikes, ridicule, and whatnot. Directly lifted from Wiki (not exactly an r/ourguys site):
"In the 1980s, Solidarity was a broad anti-bureaucratic social movement, using methods of civil resistance to advance the causes of workers' rights and social change. Government attempts in the early 1980s to destroy the union through the imposition of martial law in Poland and the use of political repression failed."
Part of -why- it worked was that they essentially undercut like everything. They started at the docks first, refusing to unload ships, which was a HUGE part of Poland's trade. They did strikes, walk-offs all the usual union stuff. Not for nothing, I was living in Austria as a kid and remember watching it on a Black and White TV with my DeadDad wondering if the Rooskies were going to roll in the Armor like they did in oh so many other places. It was big news to all the 'Muricans overseas... Thing was, we didn't know it, but Ivan the Bear at the time was a hollowed out pale shadow of it's former badass self... Sound familiar don't it?
So yep. They're going the same route. They as in Leviathan. The DotGov is trying to 'rile us up' into doing -something- that provokes us. And their "false flag department", while still active, is sort of, pardon the pun, IMO "out of ammunition" as no one fucking believes their bullshit-filled-bullshitting selves any longer. They/, as they say, went for the 'cheap regular thrills' and now? It's gonna have to be a really huge Whangdoodle of a -something- to get our attention these days. And if it's that big and horrific, guesstimates on my end are No One is going to believe them at all.
Second is, "How much of this crap is to desperately distract from Afghanistan and inflation and those other problems?" THAT sounds very much like them: they know most of the major media will like and ignore like hell to aid them. And people are, I think, even more pissed than the clowns may realize. Which, the ones who do realized, want to use that as a tool. Speaking of 'using', borrowing from Mr. Correia(and as usual I strongly recommend reading the whole thing),
So the first sleight of hand trotted out was, of course, abortion. Because when you are in the running for worst president in American history, and the news is trying super hard not to tell you the names and stories of the Americans we left to die horribly or be used as hostages by the motherfucking Taliban, and all your usual useful idiot cheer leaders are keeping their heads down because even they can’t defend a screw up that bad, what hot button issue do you trot out to energize your idiot base?
Abortion. Obviously. It’s a classic! Quick everybody, let’s all rehash the same tired stupid arguments we’ve been having for the last 50 years. Because we’ve not come to terms with that ghastly and gigantic stack of dead babies over several generations, clearly we need to fight about that right now instead of the giant embarrassing fuck up which should have resulted in a whole bunch of politicians, government employees, and military officers being hung from lamp posts.
ANYTHING that will distract of the fucking horror show that Biden and the Woke Generals made of A-stan. And bragging about whacking the wrong guy(and a bunch of kids, don't forget them) to try to pretend they know what they're doing and accomplished something other than pissing people off at the US even more.
One more thing, because I'm tired:
I can't find the link, but it mentioned exactly what I'm thinking about the 'Protest to make noise about Jan. 6!' that someone is setting up. Can you say "Feebs, BLN, Antifa and informers on every corner"? The EffingBI & Do'J' and others would love to set a bunch of people up and blame them for whatever they start. keep that in mind.
First of all while the OLD Pedo Joe was arrogant enough to think the way you describe
the one shitting in the Oval Office is NOT. He's lucky to remember to unzip his fly
before taking a piss. Reading from the teleprompter what someone else wrote is stretching
the limits of his capabilities....and some days beyond it.
The left has been getting away with all manner of crimes for decades. And since they
stole the election and GOT AWAY WITH IT they are now so emboldened they believe they
are literally untouchable. That they can do ANYTHING they wish without fear of facing
consequences. And the sad ugly reality is THEY ARE CORRECT. They OWN the media, they
own academia, they own Big Tech and they own ALL the Fed LEO agencies tasked with keeping
them honest. In short there is simply no legal, peaceful methodology left to keep them
honest. And we are seeing the results of that reality.
We are no at the point people have been talking about for a long long time.
It's PUT UP OR SHUT UP time. Either we sack up, saddle up, step off the porch
and start killing commie demonrats in LARGE numbers or we STFU and accept the
slavery they are shoving down our throats. There is NO THIRD ALTERNATIVE now.
I have said for a while that the American Armed Forces would be hesitant to fire on it's own citizens and as such one of two things would need to happen before the government could seize complete power in the US. Either the services would have to purge the military or bring in a force of foreigners to do the dirty work.
The purge has already been announced. The US brought back over 100k afghans to the US. Most of them are asylum seekers, not those who helped the US from what I'm reading. Hatians are pouring across the border at alarming rates. The border is so porous that anyone can get through.
I don't think it'll be much longer before the violence starts.
Be smart. Something overt might just be a provocation that even the idiot Milley can use. "Accidents." "Failures." "Friction." all cause problems. It worked for the French during the WWII occupation. The Blue urban concentrations need fuel, food, water, power. Let "Team Ghetto" draw fire, and do the heavy lifting.
I suspect that the Compton Effect (California, i.e.) is what is coming. The Kalifornia Democraps, imported a mass of Hispanics into Compton. The "Beaner Banditos" converted a ~100% Black ghetto into a "useful" municipality that is ~60+% Hispanic with little to no "violent crime". Most of the Black "survivors" got moved to adjacent ghettos. Most of American, except places like NYC, do not have such concentrations of ghettos, therefore the suburbs will be sufficient as a dumping ground. That may be what all the effort on gun "control", laws and regulations and the CRT propaganda is all about. If "Wipipl" are too cowed to defend themselves, their families, and neighborhood, there will be no resistance to the Black ghetto displacement by the new Hispanic population. The Democrats have stolen about all they can from the failing cities. The traitor GOP and banker "elite" will probably put up a fight to keep what is theirs. Dumping the "trash" in the suburbs is a logical "play".
If that, or something similar, is, indeed, the PLAN, it gives opportunities to mangle that plan.
Think strategy!
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