Saturday, September 12, 2020

When that idiot "Sturgis cost billions in costs for the 200k cases of Wuflu

it caused!" bullshit came out, a disgusting number of people celebrated because "Stupid Trump lovers and virus deniers caused this!"

This is the third piece I've seen debunking this crap.  And if someone tries to dismiss it by claiming "Slate is a right-wing mouthpiece!" or something, they need to go somewhere quiet and stop breathing.


Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

Yeah, that study basically claimed that a bike rally in an isolated town in SOuth Dakota caused nearly a quarter of all cases nationwide (in the study period).

Seems doubtful.

Tsgt Joe said...

Confirmation bias will keep the propaganda firmly cemented into many shallow brains. You know thinking for yourself is hard and these days you have to question everything you hear, not just one side or the other. I see so many people willing to uncritically accept "their sides" info. In my 71 years of living I've been involved in a couple of events that made the news. One event was just inaccurately reported. it was a minor event of local interest. The other event involved a chemical spill at an Air Force base, in more than one place it was reported that the Air Force did nothing. I, personally, participated in efforts to remediated the spill, unsuccessfully as it turned out, but the Air Force didn't ignore the event.