Saturday, June 15, 2019

This is such a level of chickenshit and stupid,

it's truly hard to describe.
Dear Amy: This week I discovered that my intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old daughter (who lives with me) is a gun owner! And it’s not a normal gun either — it is a 40 caliber semi-automatic, and she has hollow point bullets to go with it.
And it goes downhill from there, 
I love my daughter and would be so sad for her to move into a place that she would hardly be able to afford, but now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what she’s going to do.
Oh, that's so caring.  I'm sure she likes to be told you think she'll come into your bedroom at night and murder you.

These hoplophobes truly are insane.


Anonymous said...

Does she lock the kitchen knives in a safe?

Historian said...

I'm thinking this young woman must have been adopted, or the father cuckolded, because he clearly has no testicles. my reply to Amy-

"Dear Amy:

I read your advice to Dumb Father regarding his daughter's owning a .40 caliber pistol.

From a factual standpoint, your advice fails; there are no "exploding" hollowpoint bullets in cartridges loaded for handguns. Properly designed hollowpoints do expand in tissue, reducing the likelihood of over-penetration that occurs with ball ammunition. Concerns about overpenetration are why responsible shooters (armed citizens and law enforcement officers) prefer to use hollowpoint ammunition. Dumb Father's daughter is spending significantly more money to reduce the risk to innocent bystanders; you and he should be applauding her responsible choices.

From a personal relations standpoint, your advice also fails; Dumb Father has demonstrated a complete lack of trust in his adult daughter. It is not surprising that she resents this. It is not possession of a weapon that makes another person untrustworthy. A person who views others and their possessions as a resource to be harvested, who ignores the concept of respecting the rights of others, a person who initiates physical force against another is an untrustworthy person.

We call such people 'criminals' and the reality in the State of New York is that by law, the police have no obligation to protect you against them. Let me reiterate that- The police have NO duty to protect anyone. Protection of each person is their responsibility, under the law.

So lastly, and most importantly, from a practical standpoint, your advice is also wrong. If this young woman were to be attacked while disarmed and helpless, as her father would have her be, then she would be at the mercy of her attackers. Given the violent crime rate, for rape among other crimes, (and the prevalence of HIV infection among criminals!) in the Empire State it is entirely reasonable that a young woman would harbor the rational desire to be able to protect herself.

So, given that there is no duty for the police to protect anyone, and given the fact that most women are not a physical match for most men, it would seem that any well-meaning civilized person would encourage the law-abiding, especially women, to be well-armed and well prepared. To suggest otherwise would be insane. The idea that guns possess the ability to shoot all by themselves, or to magically influence the actions of humans, is equally insane.

So why do you prefer to see young women raped and strangled with their own pantyhose, than to see them armed and capable of defending themselves?


jerseygirlangie said...

I'd like to know what this nimrod ( irony fully intended ) thinks is a "normal" gun !

Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

Saw that the other day. I'm wondering -- that was so far over the top -- if someone is trolling her.

Dan said...

The general consensus is the young lady needs to do a DNA test on herself and her
"father" as the odds are quite good that they aren't biologically related.


She could have capped you a dozen or so times over by now.

And while I'm sarcastic, it's only partial: she SHOULD cap you.