Thursday, June 21, 2018

'Turn in your guns or die'

Pierre Laval, prime minister in 1935, decreed the registration of firearms for the first time in modern French history. The registration was “aimed at firearms owners at large and did not focus on those responsible for fomenting political violence.” Halbrook shows how it worked in great detail but the main effect “was to enhance the power of government over the citizens.”
Some things never change.

In June of 1940, Pierre Laval was deputy prime minister in the government collaborating fully with the Nazis. The previous month they issued a decree demanding the surrender of firearms and radio transmitters, on penalty of death. The French were also subject to the death penalty for failing to denounce someone who possessed guns.
Bet that registration was quite handy.

1 comment:

skybill said...

Hi Firehand!!,
'Old Sayin',"History repeats itself"...the Commies, (Democrats, Liberals, Progressives) are tryin' hard.... little do they realize they are only "Useful idiots."
This ain't 1935 or 1940 and while if it came to blows, I'm sure that things would get really nasty around here!!! The concept of "4G warfare" was not thought of yet back then and what would happen in the streets today would make "Ko-So-Vo" look like "Boy Scout Camp!!!!"
Today ya' can get a 550 rnd. box of Federal .22LR 36gr.HP for under $20 at Wallyworld!!! "GunzGalore!!" has every make and model of about any firearm you could want and don't forget those "Nasty ol' GUN SHOWS!!!" 'Nobody thinks twice about "What if all this 'Got Gone' by some "Bureaucratic Decree!!'" in a heartbeat????? Remember what that Japanese General said about their not putting "Boots On the ground" on our US Shore at the beginning of WWII??? I know you know, but I can only wonder how many "Snoflakes" don't????
Got GUNZ...........OUTLAW!!!!,