Wednesday, April 22, 2015

In the crappile that is Wisconsin, don't forget the Democrat journalists who took part

in trashing lives.  Like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Archer, French writes, “looked outside and saw a person who appeared to be a reporter. Someone had tipped him off.”
Supporters of the Democrat-launched political John Doe probes into conservatives have argued secrecy is key to its success, denouncing any leaks that undermine the prosecutors’ case. But Archer’s suspicion that a reporter was present was apparently right – and indicates that secrecy is a tactic rather than a principle: a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article published on the day of the raid, Sept. 14, 2011, indicates that a Journal Sentinel reporter arrived in time to see “about a dozen law enforcement officers, including FBI agents” raid Archer’s home.

Yeah, the brownshirts are back.  And if you call them that you're a racist homophobic woman-hating white bastard.

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