At best?
I'm tired, so instead of more work tonight,
Here's a Democrat bigshot who's actually described himself as a revolutionary communist telling some people "The Democrat Party has screwed up badly, and it's still doing it."
What Trudumbass and the leftists have done to Canada, all in the name of Diversity! and Anti-Colonialism!
So far they've been lucky; it won't last.
Byrd, the Capitol cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt... Well, read this:
...In September 2021, Byrd attempted to personally purchase a shotgun but failed to pass the background check required by federal law. Byrd subsequently sought USCP’s help in resolving the issue with his background check.26 After learning that Byrd failed his background check, USCP took steps to provide him with a USCPissued shotgun and intended to “lend” him a shotgun even if his background check “did not come through.”27 Ultimately, Byrd failed his shotgun proficiency and was not provided a USCP-issued shotgun.
Consider: not only did this CAPITOL COP fail a NICS check, but the agency was going to loan him one "...even if his background check did not come through."...
They were going to PROVIDE a gun to a guy who failed the background check? Really? Don't people go to jail for that?
AND he couldn't pass the shotgun class? And he's still a cop?
Note: yes, I've posted on this before, but that "We were gonna give him one anyway" bit just stood out to me today.
More from Canuckistan:
A generation of white children are being raised to hate themselves, to hate their culture, to hate their ancestors, to perceive nothing in their heritage but bigotry, hatred, oppression, and barbarism. Their minds are being overwritten with the values and morality of an alien culture, with the explicit goal of forever terminating their connection with everything that came before. The wages of this deracination are depression and drug addiction, just as one would expect ... but it’s for their own good and all for a good cause. And besides, they’re receiving the gold standard of education.
Yeah, punishing KIDS now for what someone else did quite a while ago is not a good idea.
That's it, folks. I'm beat, and it's time to see about food.
i'd bet he has a brady act violation which would preclude him from possessing a gun or being a cop at all, and i'd bet they knew that and covered him so now they are liable if anybody figures it out.
He couldn’t even qualify with a shotgun? Pretty sure all you have to do s keep it on the paper, and he couldn’t do THAT?
I saw a report that he's demanding a pardon,or else he talks.
I'm pretty sure he didn't kill himself.
I'm not defending the USCP copper by any means, but I wouldn't get too excited over his "failing a background check." NICS checks, and all background checks that rely on NCIC data, are name-and-DOB checks, and it's quite possible that he has the same name and DOB as a prohibited person, who may not even live within a thousand miles of DC. It happened to a supervisor of mine, who had a common name and, as it turned out, the same name and DOB as a convicted burglar. It took him a while to get it straightened out.
The fact that he failed his shotgun proficiency test, though, doesn't make him look too good.
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