Sunday, July 21, 2024

So Biden decided to bow out, or else

he was given a deal he couldn't refuse, which could mean "We'll keep the family from going to jail" or "We'll paint you as a great stateman, or a crack-brained old man, your choice."  No telling.

Ever media clown who's been following their orders will now start pumping up Harris, or whoever they've been told is the Democrat savior, at least for now.

I wonder if they'll manage to cool down their convention, or it'll be maybe worse than it was going to?

I'm getting tired of interesting times.


Anonymous said...

All the delegates are in play now, and TPTB have already selected the nominee. Since the hit squad of clinton/obama refused to endorse harris, we know it won't be her. It's a longshot, but they might give kennedy a hand-job and ask him back to the fold.
My bet is they'll swap out harris and newscum.

rickn8or said...

I'm betting the offer was "Drop out Joe, or you're not gonna survive the 'rona."

MN Steel said...

Or he's already dead.

Anonymous said...

At least Ragnarok will be an honest time.....