Thursday, February 29, 2024

No response as yet, but speaking of Google,

"This is what we want you to see, not what you're looking for."  

This link is to a X post by Matt Walsh on the racial bullshit Google's Gemini is creating.  Short version, white people don't seem to exist, but black vikings, asian and Amerindian founding fathers and so forth it gives  you.(you don't have to have a X account to watch it)

As noted by a number of people, there's no way this is a 'processing error' or something, this is the deliberate design of  Google's setup, and it's political as hell as well as bigoted.

(But they have plenty of time to decide if a blog should be marked 'adult')


Rob said...

If you don't what to deal with Google searches you can use-
He has a private search engine at the top of the page.

At the very least you get information at the top that is not advertising.

Firehand said...

I've mostly been using DuckDuckGo, but I'll probably give these a try