Monday, November 13, 2023

The crime situation in DC(and a bunch of other leftist-run cities) respects no-one,

especially when they can't shoot.
Three people broke into the unmarked parked Secret Service vehicle while the agents were protecting Naomi Biden during a trip to Georgetown, according to The AP. One agent opened fire on the individuals though no one was hit by the gunfire.

Also, someone asked today, "How come a Biden grandkid has the Secret Service protecting them, but a Presidential candidate does not?"
Because said candidate is giving Biden and the Dem Party trouble, that's why.  And they don't care if we know.


Mind your own business said...

Apparently, the Secret Service needs a lot more range-time practice. That's downright embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Said Presidental candidate is smart enough not to have corrupt Secret Service that likely want to assassinate him.

B said...

One would ask, if it was just a break-in, then why the gunfire?

No reason for deadly force, at least not in any Use-of-force rules I know of. (Unless they aren't telling us something)

Firehand said...

Probably "They're breaking into OUR CAR! AAAAAAAAAAGH!' bang.