Saturday, September 30, 2023

Gee, drugs that screw up hormones in kids can cause problems;

whoever could have foreseen that?
In August, researchers published an updated review of data from a 2021 study in the U.K. on medRxiv, a preprint service for medical research. The original study conducted by the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) examined 44 children aged 12 to 15 over three years who were prescribed puberty-blocking drugs to treat gender dysphoria. Participants took triptorelin, a prostate cancer medicine used to inhibit the synthesis of estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

According to researchers at the University of Essex, the mental health of between 15 and 34 percent of participants significantly deteriorated while on the puberty-inhibiting drug. Just between 9 and 20 percent reported a reliable improvement. Between 56 and 68 percent “experience[d] no reliable change” in “internalising or externalising problems” manifesting in emotional and behavioral distress.

In other words, less than a fifth of those prescribed puberty-blocking drugs, if that, experienced emotional improvement after taking triptorelin. The findings contradict broad claims that such medical interventions are necessary to save gender-confused children from the perils of suicidal ideation. While the updated analysis from the University of Essex has yet to be peer-reviewed, another long-term study from Sweden found those who underwent transgender surgery were 19 times more likely to die by suicide than the general public.

And that's in kids that had problems before all this crap.

Said it before: a lot of the 'counselors' and 'teachers' pushing this garbage on kids, and the politicians helping, deserve flogging.  Some of them worse.  The kids they've damaged and destroyed in the name of 'helping trans youth', the numbers are horrifying.  Especially considering how much of this appears to be, in the polite wording, 'socially induced' I believe is the term.

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