Monday, June 03, 2013

Mr. Huffman, I think the answer is 'Yes'

Due to circumstances, I saw parts of two Made For SYFY Movies!! (Mega-Something vs. -oid I think)the other night.

‘Parts’ because I was unable to watch the whole. I do mean unable; I like good monster movies, but these didn't qualify, and I think I’d have had a stroke if I’d tried to force myself to watch the whole of either.

Bad? BAD was not even on the rating curve. ‘Execrable’ would be a level of excellence to which these movies would aspire. And fail. I would like to try to describe the parts I saw just for illustration, but I think I can hear brain cells crying for mercy just because I thought about doing so.

Joe Huffman once asked if there’s a rule that these things HAVE to be bad; if there’s not a rule, then some sadist really likes to inflict torment upon those fool enough to turn on the channel, and someone gave him free rein at the SYFY network.


tkdkerry said...

Aw, we knew the shark had been jumped when the logo changed to "SyFy". It's been crap ever since.

Gerry N. said...

I knew the siffy channel was gonna be rotten when I saw 'em mocking it on "The Big Bang Theory."

I'm about ready to shoot my teewee anyway.

Anonymous said...

As a SF fan, I know to avoid that channel with extreme prejudice.
I really liked the movie 'Battle: Los Angeles' (although I think it's more a 'war' movie than SF), so I thought I'd try the similarly-named offering on SyFy. I think I lasted about five minutes before my brain threatened to leave.