Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oh, Pistole & Co. must be feeling the love right now (updated)

One of America’s busiest airports, Orlando Sanford International, has announced it will opt out of using TSA workers to screen passengers, a move which threatens the highly unpopular federal agency’s role in other airports across the nation.
The agency has been slow to reissue the guidelines on the the rule change, prompting Republican Representatives John Mica of Florida, Darrell Issa of California and Jason Chaffetz of Utah to press TSA head John Pistole to implement the mandate.
Gee, I wonder why... OH:
The TSA has been keen to downplay the opportunity for airports to dispense with their screeners, fearing a mass exodus that could undermine the justification for the agency’s continued existence, especially given the fact that its reputation has been repeatedly savaged by a number of scandals.
Add "And some screeners wondering when some molested woman/humiliated med patient/parent was going to beat the crap out of them."

Oh, and as to the "We see you naked" machines,
The most recent controversy involved a viral You Tube video created by engineer Jon Corbett which demonstrated how the TSA’s body scanners were virtually useless because they are unable to detect objects carried on the side of the body carried in a pocket.

The TSA responded by threatening the media not to cover the issue while putting out a blog statement that completely failed to rebut the claims made by Corbett.
I imagine they really didn't like having to deal with that.

Here's a link to the video;

As a side matter, I wonder if their Snake In The GrassVIPR teams have been taking bets as to how long before some pissed-off/molested motorist runs them over when they screw with traffic on a public road?

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