Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My one comment to Schumer and Bloomberg:

Screw you, you hypocritical bastards. Schumer, YOU'RE the senior Senator, and you have nothing to do with anything? Bloomberg, you're the FREAKIN' MAYOR, dammit, do you have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING except deciding what people will be allowed to eat?
"Put these ballots on the next plane to Afghanistan," Schumer demanded. "There is absolutely no excuse for failing to get this done."
"We send our young men and women overseas to fight and die for us, and we don't care enough to make sure they get the right to exercise their franchise?" fumed Mayor Bloomberg.

"That's what they're over there fighting for as much as anything else," he added.
Yeah, get all outraged NOW, instead of when it would have been the right thing to do.


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