Monday, August 05, 2024

"We don't know who brought the cocaine into the White House"

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer, but the Secret Service Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm and rejected the push to dispose of the evidence, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

Multiple heated confrontations and disagreements over how best to handle the cocaine ensued after a Secret Services Uniformed Division officer found the bag on July 2, 2023, a quiet Sunday while President Biden and his family were at Camp David in Maryland, the sources said.

At least one Uniformed Division officer was initially assigned to investigate the cocaine incident. But after he told his supervisors, including Cheatle and Acting Secret Service Director Ron Rowe, who was deputy director at the time, that he wanted to follow a certain crime-scene investigative protocol, he was taken off the case, according to a source within the Secret Service community familiar with the circumstances of his removal.

Their paid liar Anthony Guglielmi insists "It's all a lie!"  But, since he's been lying about the shooting, and the effed-up security, and who knows what all else, I don't think I trust him.  And yes, it's from 'three sources', but such sources have been pretty accurate about a lot of things the last few years.

1 comment:

Phelps said...

It wasn't Hunter's coke. They said that it was DNA tested and they got a partial match. They would have gotten a full match from Hunter, because he would have been DNA typed when he was in the Navy Reserves.
It would have hit on partial for a blood relative of Hunter thought -- like Joe.