Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Why do they hate Melania Trump?

She's an immigrant, a woman, successful, smart, and actually working on some things to help people.

But she's not a leftist, and she's married to Trump, therefore she's either stupid, evil, or both.  And they make fun of her in ways they'd never have dreamed of doing to Hillary Clinton, no matter what she did or said.

"We want women empowered(as long as they do and say what we want)!" seems to be the main thing of the left.


Rob said...

Why you asked... There has been a long propaganda campaign that says "Trump = Bad"
The campaign has been going on for years.. that CBS late night talk guy has a 20+ minute anti-Trump talk 5 nights a week.

Firehand said...

They are persistent, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

The first lady is not only quite beautiful but she is a lady and appears to treat everyone around her with kindness. Everything the former first lady wasn't - she had a permanent scowl on her face and she really didn't appear to be a happy with her life at all. But even she had nothing on Hillary - we really dodged a bullet and need to remember why going to vote is so important.

We can vote that shit out if we make the effort.

jerseygirlangie said...

After 8 years of pushing the blatantly false narrative of Michael 0bama being a world class beauty and fashion icon , the media can't handle the reality of a true beauty who doesn't prostrate herself on the altar of Leftism .

Beans said...

Well, in all fairness, the fashion industry and Hollyweird all thing trannies are more pretty than real women, so, of course they'd diss on Melania and fawn on Michelle.