Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Looks like Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF head,

was a standard socialist: a rich asshole who want to decide how everyone else lives 'for the good of all' and so forth.

So the Philadelphia PD is one of the agencies that needs to do some serious retraining of a bunch of officers. Or maybe fire some of them. And the DAs office needs some work, too; instead of seeing that the officers find out the damned law and act like human beings, it wants to help them screw with people. This is the kind of crap that causes people to point out to Ayoob that there are real problems in LE.

Somehow I missed this on the Indiana SC dirtbags: On Tuesday, the court said police serving a warrant may enter a home without knocking if officers decide circumstances justify it. Prior to that ruling, police serving a warrant would have to obtain a judge's permission to enter without knocking.
These assholes really don't like that 'limits on government' stuff, do they?

Last, haven't had time to go read it all, but when a former warmenist says things like this:
The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent global warming is based on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s. But the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome. So rather than admit they were wrong, the governments, and their tame climate scientists, now outrageously maintain the fiction that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.
it ought to be interesting.

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