Monday, January 31, 2022

Trudeau is a socialist, hypocritical clown, so

his "I must hide my family from the protesters who don't agree with me!" isn't a surprise; he doesn't have the balls to actually meet with a group who won't kiss his ass and go with what they're told.

And one more time the media shows what political hacks  most of them are.

Awful lot of people, in multiple countries, are sick of being called heroes when they allowed the laptop class to hide away by delivering what they needed, and being called public enemies when they won't go along with the laptop clowns fears and hide behind a face panty, and get the shot even if you think it might be dangerous to you.


Steve said...

Lets play a game......instead of "Where's Waldo"; let's play "Where's Justin Trudeau Today?".
A couple of a secret location in the depths of Ottawa or in a secret location in the depths "Murica!!!

Anonymous said...

Turdeau is at Alfred lake with his misstress and his wife and kids are in BC.


Anonymous said...

By 'mistress' you mean Pierre? (not Pierre the alleged dad)