Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Yeah, the year's about to turn (update)

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Monday, December 30, 2024

Awww, my heart weeps for them

"All I did was follow orders and screw people over because the AG wanted it done!"
Yeah, "I was following orders!" doesn't go over real well.  If you want to read it all, it's here.

The EffingBI needs cleaning out, and, if nothing else, the current Director needs to be charged for every time he's lied under oath.  That would put him away for a number of years.

Back to one of my least favorite subjects: our Professional Journalists who helped censor unhappy facts- for some people- about the Wuhan situation.  They and every bureaucrat and politician who tried to- in some cases did- ruin people for daring to speak truth and ask questions, well, I'll refrain from speaking of possible penalties, it might upset someone.

Also, speaking of said asshats, some are trying to set up for 'The Next Pandemic!'  Including that bitch Birx.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Ah, the wonders coming from the same experts

that have changed their minds about what we should be eating allowed to eat.  Again.  Which, considering they consider bugs to be a quite good idea, I'm not too concerned with.

Then we have some other experts, who'll tell us what we're allowed to say, and criticize, and ask questions about.  All for our own good, of course, they'll tell us so.

Turn a bit of attention to the Professional Journalists who insist they're the only experts who can tell us news.  For instance, most of them seem to have not talked about these people.  Who are some of those who, borrowing language from a guy, 
There is a particular kind of fury that comes from the ancient parts of the human psyche. When that thing that lives in the blood and the bone -- that thing made of shadows, and claws, and fangs -- starts a low growl that bypasses hearing, and goes straight to the limbic system.
I give fair warning: that story is enough to bring you to the thoughts of "Well, would would be cruel and unusual punishment for these bastards?"  It's not pleasant reading.  And why so much our Professional Journalists didn't want to report on this will definitely give your attitude a kick in the pants.

My close on this is "Gee, why did F Troop do this?"  Whole range of possibilities, most of which all seem to be on the lines of 'More reasons to get rid of 90% of this agency'.  No, they don't fit with the other stuff this morning, but they think they're the experts who need to control this whole part of our lives, so I'm throwing them in.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

I have no time, but for telling Gates what I think of this

I'll make time:
Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for members of the general public to be censored by artificial intelligence (AI) if they question the official narratives regarding “vaccines.”

Gates, the Jeffrey Epstein-linked co-founder of Microsoft, made the call during a recent interview with CNBC.

He was discussing the “threat” of “anti-vaxxers” and promoting plans for handling “vaccine hesitancy” using “real-time” censorship imposed by AI.

Gates argues that those who urge people to avoid vaccines are “inciting violence.”

Therefore, he insists that “anti-vaxxers” are a “threat” to public health.

And I'm sure he restrained himself from adding "How dare you commoners defy Me?"

Fuck you, Gates, for all the harm you've done and plan to do.  Go to hell, and I hope it's a long and unfriendly trip.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

So it's Christmas Eve, and I have some things

for all you people(all six or eight of you)

Merry Christmas, and so forth

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Annealing cases, small stuff(Ok, one more thing because I forgot to publish it a couple of days ago)

By the way: this is one of those projects I realized would make a good post, and then thought "Would've been better if I'd thought of this before I got everything cleaned up."

Also, the Disclaimer:
I'm doing this after having read on the subject and tried some things over time.  It may not work the same for you, depending on individual factors.  Also, it involves fire.  So if you burn yourself or heat something you shouldn't have, or in a bad location, that's on you.

I've written something on the subject before, but I can't find the posts right now.  Those cases it was mostly annealing .45-70, but this is smaller stuff: .32 Smith & Wesson Long.  It's an old cartridge, at one time it was commonly used as a self-defense round, at one time a lot of police departments, including New York City, had it as their issue sidearm.  Now it's primarily a target and small-game cartridge.  More on that later.

Annealing is heating a metal up to a suitable temperature to relieve stress in the metal, in the case of cartridge cases mostly in the neck/shoulder area where repeated resizing and firing has caused the metal to work harden.  One of the things that can cause is, in the case of lower pressure loads, the case cannot expand as well as should, which means the case isn't sealing the chamber as well as should, which can leave fouling streaks on the outside of the case.  Which was the problem here.

With brass it's usually heating the affected area up to about 650-700 degrees F, which softens the area heated without any softening of the base area; that has to be harder to help hold against high-pressure stresses.  In most, if you overheat the base area you might as well crush it and put it in the scrap bucket.  The usual method of preventing that is to put the base either in a holder that acts as a heat sink, or applying the heat in a short enough time that the base area doesn't heat up that much; often dumping it in water when done to make sure.

Here I picked up a cheap cake pan, stacked a bunch of resized and mouth-expanded cases in lines(so I could keep track of where I was), added enough water to cover the lower 1/4 of the case, and got out the propane torch.  Based on earlier work with larger cases, a little watching showed that with the torch set with the inner blue flame at X length, holding that part of the flame about 1/2" above the mouth of the case, took about 4-5 seconds to get the color I wanted.  Ran through about a hundred, then dried them thoroughly and loaded some using a load from the newer Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook, using a 100-grain semi-wadcutter bullet.

The result was wonderful.  The cases showed no sign of gas leakage around/below the case mouth, and no sign of the cases being overheated or damaged.  

Depending on what you're shooting, it may not be worth it to you to reload cases after they get a bit too hard.  Or, for some cartridges, it may well be so.

Among other things, we have Musk and some others taking that 1500 pages of bloat

the Democrats and some Republicans called the 'necessary Continuing Resolution, and used a AI search engine to find all the bullshit they larded in, which let them start telling people about all of it.  Including

This is one of the upsides of Elon Muck buying Twitter and getting rid of most of the "I don't like what this post says, let's kill it and if he does it again kill the account" leftists; it made it easy to get around the Major Media censorship work and let people know exactly what's going on.

And it's giving the left conniptions.

This one is general "What the hell are these people doing?", I got them out of order

More on the CR crap

One of the disgusting things done in this was to put money for disaster relief, for the people FEMA has been either ignoring or screwing over, in this and then insisting "You have to pass all of it or there won't be any relief money!"

Now, this one is special in a good way.  Apparently the Poles, having dealt with Russia feeling froggy many times over the centuries, decided "We need to pour Roundup on this sprouting problem right now."
I can hear it now: "What was that clack-clack noise I think I actually felt as well as heard?"
"That was every rifle in Poland being function tested at once."
Link to the whole thing here.

Germany is getting even more of that Cultural Enrichment their 'Elites' insist on.  Which is likely going to include follow-ons like politicians learning about the fine old 'get their attention' method of tar and feathers.

Speaking of politicians and bureaucrats who need a real attention-getting...

Once again a foreign news source brings the information most of our media won't touch unless forced to.
Only people surprised: leftists and Biden lovers who've had outbursts of "Deep fakes!" and such.

And last for tonight: If you haven't seen Area Ocho, you ought to take a look.

An awful lot of people seem to think the murder of an insurance company executive is just fine,

because "He is behind Bad Things!" and "It sends a message to the others!"

Ok, let's play that game.  How many government agencies can you think of who've ruined people, harassed people, even taken people's lives for really bad reasons('to send a message', 'No, we didn't need to do a raid, but we did it anyway!', 'Hey, we're the (fill in alphabet designation) and we can do this!", "Our work is important and we need to be able to do this!")?  

So, will all those leftists and young dumbasses be ok if people get fed up and start doing bad things to one of the agents/agencies involved?  Or will it be "But it's different when they/we do it, and we like what they did!" again?

If "They did harm to my family/friend/land" becomes the standard for "It's good someone did this", that's a bad path to start down.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A quick note on Fecesbook

You try to log in.
'Check your notifications on another device'.
In the past there's been a 'try another way' option, now that doesn't even come up.
Find another device and check.
Now, rarely, 'the 'try another way' bar shows, except it doesn't work.

I truly don't know if it's Fecesbook("This site is shit", L. Correia) being effed-up, I wound up on one of their lists for saying unapproved things, or both.

I miss being able to see stuff from certain people, but otherwise?  Screw the censorious bastards.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

This is my shocked face.  Now let's see if the Georgia Bar does anything about him.

Obviously, I can’t prove that West Point was deliberately trying to make Pete look bad, or that ProPublica would have moved forward with their "bombshell" story had Pete not proved them wrong before publishing. I can only assure you that LOTS of bureaucrats currently employed by the US Military do NOT want to work for Pete Hegseth. And it seems equally clear that ProPublica isn't all that interested in writing stories about bureaucrats who actively and repeatedly misinform them. And that's a pity.

Well, you and your British Labour comrades have basically told the islamists that they're protected from consequences and can get away with all kinds of crap, so what did you expect?

Connected, thanks to the commies and general leftist idiots here,
Could campus protests against Israel turn violent?
Well, duh.  So many of our institutions of 'higher education' have coddled and encouraged these Jew-haters to the point they're pretty sure they'll have at least some protection, so yes, they almost certainly will.

Monday, December 16, 2024

I'm reminded of a guy who bitched about a cop shooting his friend because 'It was only a little knife!'

According to Leroy Schumacher, even though his grandson was in the middle of a burglary when he was killed, his death was unjustified, Tulsa’s ABC 8 reported. The grieving grandfather acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but he said that the AR-15 gave the homeowner’s son an “unfair” advantage over the three burglars and that death wasn’t the appropriate consequence for the teens.
Well, the basic emotion is 'Too damned bad.'  

But wait, there's MORE!
It all began with 21-year-old Elizabeth Rodriguez, who authorities believe was the ring leader. Rodriguez, a mother-of-three in need of rent money, drove 19-year-old Maxwell Cook, 16-year-old Jake Woodruff, and 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn — who she says all lived with her — to the Wagoner County home. They first stole liquor, speakers, and a machete from the garage, but then, Rodriguez said they “got greedy.”

After deciding to break into the main house, the young men, wearing all black, donning masks, and armed with brass knuckles and a knife, went inside while Rodriguez waited with a teenage girl in the getaway car. Zachary Peters, the homeowner’s 23-year-old son, was taking a nap when he heard a door slam and glass shatter at approximately 12:30 in the afternoon, according to News On 6. Peters grabbed his father’s rifle before coming face to face with the three suspects, who all froze when they saw him.

So, they armed themselves before breaking into the house, too.  Which does not speak of good intentions.  Guy, it's too bad your grandkid is dead, but it's worse that he made the decisions that put him in that place and time, and I cannot fault the homeowner's son for shooting.  Because, among other things, three armed criminals against one isn't exactly 'fair'.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Michael Byrd, the Capitol cop, is a serious piece of crap

It seems some of those missing files about disciplinary action have turned up, and yeah, he's worse than we already knew.
A source with detailed knowledge of the Internal Affairs Division case told Blaze News that Byrd was charged with abandoning his post, eating and drinking at his post, and lying to investigators — a terminable offense. It is one of three Byrd disciplinary cases for which records could not be found when a House oversight subcommittee requested them in early 2024, the source said.
“It’s funny to me that everyone knows Mike’s a liar and the case that sustains it that had all the evidence that shows he is a liar is something that Tad [DiBiase] and the department can’t find when there’s all these different records. If they just did a search on the emails, all this stuff, it would be in existence.”

Can you say 'The fix is in'?

And a ways further down,
DiBiase wrote that the USCP could help Byrd obtain mental health assistance, “but not move forward on a FFDE [fitness for duty evaluation] since a negative one could mean we should not allow him to carry our USCP-issued firearm if he is not fit to be a police officer.

Read it all, including all the money involved, and some of the politicians giving some.

Wray needs to be put under oath with the sure knowledge that this time,

he lies, he WILL be prosecuted for it.  And note the IG brings this out AFTER the election.  For some reason.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigation of the Capitol Hill Riot found no undercover FBI agents attended. Still, over two dozen confidential human sources (DHS) were at the event.

However, the FBI only assigned three of the sources to attend on January 6:

Which tells us the IG is full of shit.


And more.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Have I ever mentioned Fecesbook is run by idiots?

At best?

I'm tired, so instead of more work tonight,
Here's a Democrat bigshot who's actually described himself as a revolutionary communist telling some people "The Democrat Party has screwed up badly, and it's still doing it."

What Trudumbass and the leftists have done to Canada, all in the name of Diversity! and Anti-Colonialism!

So far they've been lucky; it won't last.

Byrd, the Capitol cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt... Well, read this:
...In September 2021, Byrd attempted to personally purchase a shotgun but failed to pass the background check required by federal law. Byrd subsequently sought USCP’s help in resolving the issue with his background check.26 After learning that Byrd failed his background check, USCP took steps to provide him with a USCPissued shotgun and intended to “lend” him a shotgun even if his background check “did not come through.”27 Ultimately, Byrd failed his shotgun proficiency and was not provided a USCP-issued shotgun.
Consider: not only did this CAPITOL COP fail a NICS check, but the agency was going to loan him one "...even if his background check did not come through."... 
They were going to PROVIDE a gun to a guy who failed the background check?  Really?  Don't people go to jail for that?

AND he couldn't pass the shotgun class?  And he's still a cop?
Note: yes, I've posted on this before, but that "We were gonna give him one anyway" bit just stood out to me today.

More from Canuckistan:
A generation of white children are being raised to hate themselves, to hate their culture, to hate their ancestors, to perceive nothing in their heritage but bigotry, hatred, oppression, and barbarism. Their minds are being overwritten with the values and morality of an alien culture, with the explicit goal of forever terminating their connection with everything that came before. The wages of this deracination are depression and drug addiction, just as one would expect ... but it’s for their own good and all for a good cause. And besides, they’re receiving the gold standard of education.
Yeah, punishing KIDS now for what someone else did quite a while ago is not a good idea.

That's it, folks.  I'm beat, and it's time to see about food.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Where does the time go?

Traveling, and getting things done at various places.  Occasional bloggage will continue for the foreseeable future

Yes, some dickhead has reported a bunch of posts for 'community standards' violations

And Blogger, apparently run by the same kind of dickheads that run Fecesbook, has no way I can find to say "Would you pretty please tell me just what the violation was?"


Thursday, December 05, 2024

"Why don't you trust the Major Media? We are PROFESSIONALS!"

Yeah, and you taught us not to trust you.
She took it to the CBS executives and they told her she “couldn’t do it live.”

She asked, “What do you mean I can’t do it live?”

“Well, we don’t know what he’s going to say” was their replay according to Herridge.

She said she replied to her bosses, “Isn’t that what journalism is all about?”

Herridge explained that CBS then tried to condition the interview with possible alternatives, including having it edited, taped, and only on CBS. She said she felt so ashamed that a news organization would place so many restrictions on an interview like that that she couldn’t go back to Elon Musk, the free speech advocate. But it indicates how fearful CBS was that something that they might not want to come out might come out in such an interview. When you think that way, you’re no longer operating as a journalistic organization. You should want to report on the truth, whatever it is.

Herridge was then laid off in February when she was also looking into the Hunter Biden laptop story and they laid off other employees.

Penelope exposed the scare tactics the NYT used, threatening her with consequences if she didn't make a statement.

“They call you and threaten you. They say, ‘Unless you make a statement, we will publish it as is,’” she continued. “I think that’s a despicable way to treat anyone.”

Yeah, that's an awful lot of our Professional Journalists.

First it was "We can't visit those people to see if they need relief help because

"The road is closed, and we can't walk around the barricade!"
Then we had "Those people had Trump signs, and they're kind of like mad dogs and we were told to not talk to them."
Throw in the State authorities: bunch of Amish show up and build cabins so people can live in those instead of tents while figuring out housing, to have the State show up and say "Those cabins aren't built to our Code, so get out of them and go back to freezing in tents!"

Government: how would you get screwed without it?

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Friday, November 22, 2024

The cop who shot Ashli Babbitt?

The issues in Captain Michael Byrd's background included a failed shotgun qualification test, a failed FBI background check for a weapon's purchase, a 33-day suspension for a lost weapon and referral to Maryland state prosecutors for firing his gun at a stolen car fleeing his neighborhood, according to congressional and police documents obtained by Just the News.

And, it appears, there were other incidents in which 'the records are missing'(surprise!).  

Insty put it "And his protection is disappearing."  Not to mention for the brass in that agency who helped him keep doing this crap.

Aztec death whistles

Some interesting design in the things.

BREAKING: DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is reportedly negotiating his exit and wants to leave immune from any potential investigations from the Trump Administration.
Considering the times he's committed perjury alone, I'd be he wants immunity.

Speaking of another piece of garbage who's about to go and probably highly desires it,
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra cannot answer why he placed unaccompanied children with sponsors whose address was a strip club. He also cannot explain why he allowed them to be pimped out by individuals with no family ties to them.
Makes you think there's a lot of sex slavery going on that these bastards don't want to do anything about, doesn't it?

And, last thing, from one of those Professional Media Outlets we're supposed to trust:

Riley?  She's just some privileged white girl, who cares about her?

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Someday, things will slow down

Until then,
Don't you just love all this cultural enrichment?

Yes, Gov. Abbott of Texas did a Good Thing.  And a few other tidbits.

Laken Riley's murderer was convicted, and faces life in prison.
I cannot think of any good reason he shouldn't face a gallows.

Some of the Brit police forces are basically an occupying force for their masters, it seems

Take a look at a BBC idiot trying to tell Musk that 'we need someone to control what people say online'
 it's well worth the time.

Maybe more a bit later

Saturday, November 16, 2024