Thursday, January 02, 2025

While we're working on our current terrorist attacks here, I want to look at what (formerly Great)Britain

has done to cave into the enemy.  To the point that most have surrendered.  To borrow from Ms. Hoyt, "They used to be civilized there, and knew how to deal with politicians and bureaucrats who surrendered like this."


Read this carefully, which is where the cops turned into either janissaries or effing cowards

I really don't need to do this to my blood pressure, but you know what's worse?  "Ah, hell with it, those bastards don't seem to care."
Because a lot of people over there do, while stuck under the thumb of a bunch of ass-kissing politicians and "Well, we've got our orders, and if we actually DO anything we'll be called names!" cops. 
So my closing statement on this:

Hey, Two-Tier Starmer, and whatever the hell the names of your local police chiefs, you don't like my telling you what corrupt, chickenshit, surrender monkeys you are?   Screw you.  YOU PUT PARENTS IN JAIL FOR FINDING WHERE THERE DAUGHTERS WERE BEING RAPED AND ABUSED AND COMING TO YOU FOR HELP.  You LET THE BASTARDS keep doing this until it blew up in your faces and you couldn't count on the media to help you keep covering it up.  And you're still doing it, from what we can see.

Every one of you cowardly little shits should be fired.  As a start, because it seems like 'assistant to rape' and 'conspiring to enslave' should be criminal charges you should be charged with.  Which would have to be done, as you have no shame, or courage to cause you to confess and quit.  Fuck you, one and all. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Ah, they're on top of it now!

Terrorist made an attack in Louisiana.
EffingBI immediately announced "Not a terrorist attack."  
Local guys announced "The hell you say."
Feds, as someone said 'probably realizing just how stupid they're about to look', decide to announce "It was a terrorist attack."
Probably helped in the decision by the Isis flag in the truck.
Now turns out at least one IED was found, some other people seen planting some, and there's some question about things, whether attached or not, happened in other places.

And, as a final 'WTF?', Biden's statement seems to read like "Don't you dare say anything about any protected species!" as his final warning.

Watch your six, folks, it could get real nasty.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Yeah, the year's about to turn (update)

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Monday, December 30, 2024

Awww, my heart weeps for them

"All I did was follow orders and screw people over because the AG wanted it done!"
Yeah, "I was following orders!" doesn't go over real well.  If you want to read it all, it's here.

The EffingBI needs cleaning out, and, if nothing else, the current Director needs to be charged for every time he's lied under oath.  That would put him away for a number of years.

Back to one of my least favorite subjects: our Professional Journalists who helped censor unhappy facts- for some people- about the Wuhan situation.  They and every bureaucrat and politician who tried to- in some cases did- ruin people for daring to speak truth and ask questions, well, I'll refrain from speaking of possible penalties, it might upset someone.

Also, speaking of said asshats, some are trying to set up for 'The Next Pandemic!'  Including that bitch Birx.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Ah, the wonders coming from the same experts

that have changed their minds about what we should be eating allowed to eat.  Again.  Which, considering they consider bugs to be a quite good idea, I'm not too concerned with.

Then we have some other experts, who'll tell us what we're allowed to say, and criticize, and ask questions about.  All for our own good, of course, they'll tell us so.

Turn a bit of attention to the Professional Journalists who insist they're the only experts who can tell us news.  For instance, most of them seem to have not talked about these people.  Who are some of those who, borrowing language from a guy, 
There is a particular kind of fury that comes from the ancient parts of the human psyche. When that thing that lives in the blood and the bone -- that thing made of shadows, and claws, and fangs -- starts a low growl that bypasses hearing, and goes straight to the limbic system.
I give fair warning: that story is enough to bring you to the thoughts of "Well, would would be cruel and unusual punishment for these bastards?"  It's not pleasant reading.  And why so much our Professional Journalists didn't want to report on this will definitely give your attitude a kick in the pants.

My close on this is "Gee, why did F Troop do this?"  Whole range of possibilities, most of which all seem to be on the lines of 'More reasons to get rid of 90% of this agency'.  No, they don't fit with the other stuff this morning, but they think they're the experts who need to control this whole part of our lives, so I'm throwing them in.