Friday, December 20, 2024

I do not want to hear one more God-damned word from the left about 'insurrection' and such when they threaten

a combination of black mail and treason.


Kansas kid said...

I absolutely agree!

Steve said...

But, but, it's for the democracy!!!! I for one can't wait to have this bimbo booted out of that position. Hopefully, booted all the way to obscurity.

Anonymous said...

Trump better have the national guard ready to go the minute he is officially president. Also the house po po and secret squirrel service. Be ready to arrest any and all treasonous bastards.

Dan said...

People keep forgetting...the rules do not app,y to the left. Never have, likely nevee will.

Anonymous said...

Their one last chance to load a spending bill with pork. Good luck and good bye.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Sharpton said
We will rise up..threatening to disrupt the inauguration