Sunday, May 26, 2024

The BATFEIEIO Director had little to say about this latest death other than

"I can't comment since there's an investigation going on."
ATF agents cut off the electricity to Bryan Malinowski’s Little Rock home before executing their search warrant on March 19. None of the agents wore body cameras, and they covered Malinowski’s doorbell camera with tape to hide their actions. Fifty-seven seconds after kicking down the front door, Malinowski was fatally shot in the head. His wife, Maer Malinowski, was pulled out of her home wearing only bedclothes and forced into the back of a squad car, where she was held against her will for four hours in 34-degree weather despite her frequent pleas to check on her dying husband.

“If that isn’t weaponization of government, I don’t know what is,” Congressman Jim Jordan, R-OH, said Thursday morning during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, which he chairs.

Why, you'd think the bastards had some reason to want there to be no video record of their actions...


Rob said...

Were body cameras normally worn?

Firehand said...

I've seen specific mention that they are required.

Anonymous said...

It’s about time mostly all no knock warrants be outlawed. What’s a homeowner supposed to think when their door is kicked down in the middle of the night. Especially when they get the address wrong.

Justin_O_Guy said...

As if bad guys don't know to holler Police! Don't move!
If they want to peacefully arrest someone, there are ways to do that. Violent entry ,scaring the crap out of someone seems like a great way to justify a murder.