Friday, May 31, 2024

I might as well get this on the verdict out of the way, from a law professor,

and he's not the only one:
"I think, as I said before, that this case was legally unfounded. When they were reading those guilty verdicts, the one thing that we didn't know is really what he was found guilty of. Because if you remember, the judge allowed the jury to find guilt on any one of the three secondary crimes," Turley said. That meant the jury didn't have to determine exactly what crime was committed.

"We weren't told whether the jury found any one of those crimes, whether they found all three of those crimes. I'm not too sure we will know that. That's one of the many issues that I think presents reversible problems in this case," Turley assessed.   (bold mine)
Which is a polite way of saying  "This is such bullshit, it's amazing."


Dan said...

This entire case was rigged from day one. The appeals process will be just as rigged. He left is evil, not stupid. This whole farce was thoroughly planned well in advance.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Have you guys seen The Appeals Court? Five black women. Impartiality is certainly assured.