Monday, November 12, 2018

A: "If you're cold, they're cold!"

In a pig's ass.
Me: "C'mon, get back in!"
Sec. Staff: "We don't want to."
"It's cold out here, and wet, get in!"
"Not to us, hairless."
"GET IN, DAMMIT!"   Etc.

Good news: some cookies left.
Bad news: this weather, I keep wanting to eat the damn things.

Listening to the weather weenies hyperventilate: "It's SNOWING, it's a new record!"
Like everyone's going to die from it.  Hell, it's snowed on Halloween before, so mid-November isn't a big deal.  Despite their heavy breathing while warning of incipient disaster.


Jason Tyler said...

But the real question is did you stock up on bread and toilet paper?

Firehand said...

The day I stock up on such because "1 to 4 inches of snow!" is the day I officially need a keeper.