Monday, November 12, 2018

A: "If you're cold, they're cold!"

In a pig's ass.
Me: "C'mon, get back in!"
Sec. Staff: "We don't want to."
"It's cold out here, and wet, get in!"
"Not to us, hairless."
"GET IN, DAMMIT!"   Etc.

Good news: some cookies left.
Bad news: this weather, I keep wanting to eat the damn things.

Listening to the weather weenies hyperventilate: "It's SNOWING, it's a new record!"
Like everyone's going to die from it.  Hell, it's snowed on Halloween before, so mid-November isn't a big deal.  Despite their heavy breathing while warning of incipient disaster.


  1. But the real question is did you stock up on bread and toilet paper?

  2. The day I stock up on such because "1 to 4 inches of snow!" is the day I officially need a keeper.
